Feb. 11th - Greenville, SC

The World is Not Fair
The World is Not Fair

Learn How to Play by a Different Set of Rules

What's Wrong?

If the world was fair, the leader in your category would be the business who did the best job, worked the hardest, and provided the best value to consumers. But the world is not fair. The leader in your category is the one best equipped to take advantage of a system that is rigged.

Learn How to Play by a Different Set of Rules

What's Wrong?

If the world was fair, the leader in your category would be the business who did the best job, worked the hardest, and provided the best value to consumers. But the world is not fair. The leader in your category is the one best equipped to take advantage of a system that is rigged.

Who Are We

We are the Wizard of Ads Partners and are the best in the world at building small and medium-sized businesses in small and medium-sized markets. We’re bringing experts to explain how you can take advantage of an un-level playing field to make your business unstoppable.

Who is the Wizard of Ads

Roy H. Williams wrote the New York Times Bestselling Book Series, The Wizard of Ads.  He wrote the Wall Street Journal's business book of the year.  We are his partners - marketing consultants hand-selected to put his philosophies into action.  We specialize in growing owner-operated businesses in small and medium-sized markets.  It's all we do.  And we are really good at it.

When & Where:

Feb 11th - Greenville, SC @ Hotel Hartness
  120 Halston Avenue, Greenville, SC 29615
  Doors open at 8:00 am 
  ***FREE HOT Breakfast - 8:00-8:30 a.m.
  The SHOW begins at 8:30 a.m. and ends at noon
  Partnering with Audacy Greenville Spartanburg

This will all be in the confirmation email with your ticket.  
Price: $200 / person
Who's Presenting
Stephen Semple Speaking at Nasdaq

Stephen Semple 

The host of "The Empire Builders Podcast," an International Award-Winning Speaker, and the Director of Wizard of Ads Canada.

How to Become the Company Thought of First and Liked the Most
Stephen will share the techniques he has used numerous times to make his clients' businesses the ones that are thought of first and liked the most. 

He is an international award-winning speaker who has presented at locations such as the London Stock Exchange, Cambridge, and Oxford University, and most recently at the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce and Nasdaq. 

Gary Bernier Nasdaq

Mick Torbay

Wizard of Ads Partner.

Michael Torbay has been writing radio and television commercials for twenty-five years. While working as a copywriter at a small advertising agency in Canada, Mick wondered why you couldn’t bring large-agency thinking and creative strategy to small and medium-sized businesses.

Most regional advertisers are stuck in the “This is who we are, and this is what we sell” message. This, of course, answers two questions that literally no one is asking, “Who are you?” and “What do you sell?”

Meanwhile, larger brands were answering the questions consumers were actually asking: “Why should I change my current preference over to you?” Mick's pursuit of strategic thinking led him to Roy H. Williams and the Wizard of Ads organization. Today, Mick is the lead creative writer on 12 campaigns for companies with annual revenue between $5M and $90M. As a result of his campaigns, many of these clients have doubled or tripled in size.

Johnny Molson

Wizard of Ads Partner 

Johnny Molson began writing ads about the time the third season of Matlock was on TV. He began as Creative Director at a Detroit radio station and went on to write and produce ads for companies on every continent except for Australia. Australia has never explained why. His background includes writing and theater training from Chicago’s legendary Second City, and he has lent his voice to everything from a package of bologna, a sad piece of broccoli, and the late-night infomercial Shake Weight. He became a Wizard of Ads partner in 2015, consulting businesses across North America, and authored the book Campaign-O-Matic: How Small Businesses Make Big Ad Campaigns.

Gary Bernier - The Wizard of Digital

Wizard of Ads Partner and Award-Winning International Speaker

Gary has spoken at Nasdaq, the Beverly Hills Chamber of Commerce, and the New York Academy of Medicine. A lifelong entrepreneur, he is now helping other business owners grow with digital marketing. 

Measurement of Marketing

Gary will share the secret to effectively measuring your online and offline marketing. Yes, you can measure the effectiveness of your mass media (radio, TV) campaigns. He'll also expose you to SEO (Search Engine Optimization) factors that you've never heard of before. Learn what digital marketing techniques are working today and which ones are not. Discover why so many businesses are wasting the clicks they are paying for.

Kyle Caldwell

Wizard of Ads Partner.

Advertising Performance Equation  - numbers that will change how you look at your advertising spend. Crucial to becoming a big-time success.

Kyle is a Wizard of Ads Partner specializing in media planning and buying. 
He calls himself a "Media Sculptor." 

After over 35 years in radio sales and advertising, Kyle's work today involves managing media budgets for WOA clients according to Wizard of Ads philosophies. 

These time-tested principles are different from what you'll hear from a traditional media buyer and far more powerful in application.

Wizard of Ads Trilogy

Get the Wizard of Ads Trilogy for

  • Wizard of Ads - Turning Dreamers into Millionaires
  • Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads
  • Magical Worlds of the Wizard of Ads
a $60 Dollar Value
Reserve Your Seat Now! 
Before they're all gone!
Don't Miss Out! 
They're selling fast!
Wizard of Ads Trilogy

Get the Wizard of Ads Trilogy for

  • Wizard of Ads - Turning Dreamers into Millionaires
  • Secret Formulas of the Wizard of Ads
  • Magical Worlds of the Wizard of Ads
a $60 Dollar Value